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일별 학습일지

4/23 :: Fast-up report

1. Abstract

  • Goal of the Competition
    • Document Type Classification
    • Task : Image Classification
    • Evaluation Metric : Macro F1
  • Timeline
    • Start Date : April 11, 2024
    • Final submission deadline : April 23, 2024 (19:00)
  • Description of the work
    • Dataset overview

      • Class : 17 types of documents
      • Train : 1570
      • Test : 3140


      • Analysis on label distribution of train data
      • Analysis on size/hue distribution of train and test data
      • Analysis on augmentation techniques used in test data

      Data Processing

      • Train data : data cleansing, upsampling, offline augmentation with augraphy
      • Test data : rectification
      • Online augmentation with Albumentation in models

2. Process : Competition Model

  • Integrated version : using ResNet 152 and EfficientNet b4 to classify 17 types
  • Individual version : using EfficientNet b4
    • step1 : 3-class classification of car/dashboard/documents
    • step2 : classification of 15 types of documents
      Individual version process


3. Process : Issues

  • Impossible to find suitable rotation angles for every single test data
    • Build codes to detect angles by lines or object contour

4. Role

  • EDA
    • Augmentation Analysis
  • Preprocessing
    • conception & implemenation  for Test data
      • Rectificaiton 
      • Denoising
      • Test time augmentation
  • Model Train
  • Presentation

5. Results

  • Public Score / Private Score
    • 0.9578 / 0.9441ㅇ
  • Final standings of the Leaderboard


6. Conclusion

  • 저번 대회에서 부족했다고 느꼈던 바가 있어 최대한 열심히 참여하려고 노력한 것이 도움이 된 것 같음
  • 데이터 전처리를 위해 아이디어를 내고 구현해 적용하였고 모델 성능 향상에 기여해볼 수 있어 좋았음 
  • 모델링 관련(fine, hyper-parameter tuning 등)에 좀 더 신경을 쓰면 좋았을 듯함

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